Accountability Training

Today’s difficult business environment and tough economic times present even more challenging obstacles to getting results. These obstacles are real and often cause people to feel their ability to impact results is out of their control, leading to frustration, finger-pointing, blame, and a general sense that they really can’t make the difference that they had hoped to make.
The Partners In Leadership’s Three Tracks To Creating Greater Accountability – Self, Culture, and Others, Accountability Training form the most comprehensive and proven methodology to help people at every level of the organization to take greater personal accountability for overcoming the obstacles they face to achieve Key Organizational Results.
In late 2013, ISA has been appointed as an Exclusive Authorized International Representative by Partner in Leadership to exclusively deliver all tracks of their Accountability Training in the country. With our certified facilitators, the courses delivered are proven as methodology or processes not only help organizations to improve overall performance, but also to create a foundation for the the development of a culture of accountability.
Our offerings are available for both public or corporate, through standard tracks or customizable for specific practice areas such as:
- Performance Improvement
- Personal Development
- Employee Engagement
- Leadership Development
- Teamwork & Trust
- Executive Team Alignment
- Strategy Implementation
- Accelerating Culture Change
THEN LIST OUT the ST, OT and CT courses
About Partner in Leadership
Partners In Leadership (PIL) is the world’s premier provider of Accountability Training® and Culture Change services. Our mission as a consulting firm is to help the clients achieve their mission, PIL’s #1 award-winning content and global network of professionals across the world have enabled thousands of companies and millions of people to achieve dramatic results, reporting billions of dollars in improved shareholder wealth, saving hundreds of thousands of jobs – resulting in some of the highest praised and best places to work in the world.
More information about Partner in Leadership